What to do?

What would you do, if you discovered something that would help a lot of people live longer, healthier, happier, lives. Ever hear someone say, pay attention to what you're doing. How is it possible to not pay attention to what you're doing? Our subconscious is very powerful and controls much more of...


Fascia System

This is a relatively new discovered system of the body. Scientists admit for years, they just threw it aside and did not care, because they had no idea what it really was. They now know this is one of the largest sensory organs in our bodies, and extremely important. It...



Neuroplasticity changes our brain, by forming and then strengthening, new connection between the individual neurons. This occurs anytime we learn something new. If these changes did not happen, we could not recall what we just learned. However, once we have learned, what we set out to, neuroplasticity becomes no longer...