What to do?

What to do?

What would you do, if you discovered something that would help a lot of people live longer, healthier, happier, lives.

Ever hear someone say, pay attention to what you’re doing. How is it possible to not pay attention to what you’re doing?

Our subconscious is very powerful and controls much more of our lives than we can imagine.

What scientists call procedural memory

is actually the subconscious part of our mind caring out most of the tasks of our everyday lives. However, our subconscious does much more then carry out these daily tasks.
Good morning, among many other common phrases we use, like Under the weather, or A piece of cake, would not make any sense, if our subconscious did not instantly decode them.

The terms conscious and subconscious are not really correct, our brains, and our bodies were constructed over millions the years. Recognition of objects, places, sounds, odors, and colors, all predate the human species by millions of years. These are handled by very old regions of our brain. These older regions are very fast, and efficient, because they have been evolving for so long.

We cannot stop ourselves from salivating, when we see or smell food, because an ancient program runs in our brain to cause this to happen.

We begin building many more of these programs, in this region, shortly after birth. Repetition automatically constructs these programs. We learn to speak our first language automatically with no effort. This is why many of our words are accompanied by regional accents. This is also why when we meet someone new, the first few times, we instantly recognize their face but cannot remember their name. However, with enough repetition even the sounds that make up their name, are recorded in our subconscious.

Our subconscious causes us to miss turns, while driving, and flip on light switches, when we know the power has been out for days.

We automatically find ourselves in the same coffee shop each morning.

We could go to any coffee shop, but we usually choose the one we’re familiar with. Our subconscious automatically makes many of our choices, or decisions. In most cases this is harmless or even beneficial. Our subconscious is what gives us the ability to master musical instruments, or gymnastics routines. However, in many cases, this can be harmful or detrimental, by causing addiction, and bad habits. We don’t realize just how repetitious most of our modern-day routines are, including exercises. There are thousands of different exercises we can choose from to work many different parts of our body in different ways. However, many of us choose the same exercises we are familiar with. Runners run, cyclist cycle, swimmer swim, weightlifters lift weights, and so on. The individual movements that make up these exercises or extremely repetitive and exclusively work only limited parts of our body. The human body is capable of almost unlimited physical movement.

Exercise is unnatural and was created by us not long ago. We were never designed to repeatedly lift heavy weights in the same direction with no apparent meaning or purpose. We were never designed to use artificial exercise equipment.

Our bodies and our minds were literally constructed, while interacting with a natural changing environment. There was purpose and meaning behind walking or running or anything else we did.

The challenges of surviving in the wilderness on a daily basis worked our minds and bodies together.

In a very short period of time, we have created our modern-day societies.

We used our intelligence and technology, to make our lives easier, and more comfortable, and give us easy access to plenty of better tasting foods, and drinks.

We were never designed to sit for hours in front of our TV’s, computers, and in vehicles, with little to no physical activity.

We go to our same jobs daily and repeat the same task. We go to the same restaurants, and fast-food places, and buy the same groceries each week. We go to the gym and work exclusive parts of our body, because we have been socially conditioned to believe we need big muscles, or six pack abs.

Then we do math problems or crossword puzzles to try to work our mind. We didn’t achieve our intelligence by doing math problems or crossword puzzles. Nor did we acquire our strength and speed from a gym.

Our subconscious is only capable of doing things we have done in the past. In fact, it influences our decisions, to repeat familiar activities. This limits or restricts us from engaging in new or different things.

We are capable of doing anything we want, including eating healthy foods, and engaging in daily moderate physical activities, that work different parts of our bodies in different ways.

But if we let it our subconscious will make our decisions for us instantly.

In essence we unknowingly get trapped in our own mind.

Our modern sedentary lifestyle, combined with unhealthy processed foods and drinks are causing most of the health problems we deal with today, like obesity, and diabetes.

We created the problem of physical inactivity, and to fix it we created artificial exercises. We created the unnatural, unhealthy process foods and drinks, and to fix this problem, that we created, we created crazy fat diets, artificial sweeteners, and medications.

Our subconscious will take over as much as our lives as it can, all you have to do is keep doing what you have been doing. The only time the conscious part of our mind gets involved, is when it has to, when our subconscious cannot complete the task, because it’s something we have never done before.

Engaging in new and different activities causes neuroplasticity to happen. New neural networks are constructed in our brain, by establishing and then strengthening the pathways between the neurons.

This naturally occurring process is crucial to keeping our brains, and bodies healthy.

Alzheimer’s, dementia, and depression, along with arthritis resulting in knee, and hip replacement surgeries, or all being caused by our subconscious interacting with the unnatural environments we live in. Our modern day lifestyles have allowed our subconscious to exponentially take over our lives, leaving our conscious mind with nothing to do.

I don’t know exactly what to do with this knowledge, I would like to talk with someone in the scientific or medical fields about this.

I know how incredible all this sounds, but I welcome anyone to find the flaws in my logic.

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