Fascia System
This is a relatively new discovered system of the body. Scientists admit for years, they just threw it aside and did not care, because they had no idea what it really was. They now know this is one of the largest sensory organs in our bodies, and extremely important. It is primarily made up of layers of college fibers containing a fluid called hyaluronan which helps it stretch with movement. This system adapts to whatever we do. If we sit in a recliner in the same position most of the time, it adapts to that position. It literally tries to hold our body in that position, so when we try to get up, we feel pain. It also adapts to repetitive movement, if all we do is run or ride a bicycle, our fascia system adapts to only those specific movements. Our bodies were designed for and almost unlimited amount of physical movements. The only way to keep fascia, truly healthy is to move everyday in multiple directions, while trying to achieve full range of motion. These movements must be kept random, by constantly performing a variety of movements at different speeds, and intensities. This is the only way to prevent our subconscious from taking over these movements. Once we develop any kind of routine, and repeat it, our subconscious immediately starts to take it over. The greatest threat to our fascia system is repetition, whether it is repeated inactivity, or repetitious activity.
We should also try to eat natural healthy foods. These overly sweetened, and overly seasoned, unnatural processed foods that have only been around for a few decades, are very unhealthy. Our bodies were literally created while eating natural fresh meats, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. These natural foods give us the building blocks to make the repairs needed to all the parts of our body that support and maintain our true capabilities of physical movement.
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