Neuroplasticity changes our brain, by forming and then strengthening, new connection between the individual neurons. This occurs anytime we learn something new. If these changes did not happen, we could not recall what we just learned. However, once we have learned, what we set out to, neuroplasticity becomes no longer necessary. Neuroplasticity is vital to keeping our brain healthy. The process of building and strengthening new connections also may help strengthen all the connections.
Our perception is we learn a new dance by repeating the moves of the dance.
What is actually happening is the muscle contractions that generate the movements are being stored in our subconscious like a recording, and when played back the dance looks the same each time.
When we first begin to make the movements of the new dance, new connections are created between neurons, signals go down these new pathways to new neurons. These connections become stronger each time, until eventually they begin to run automatically.
Once this occurs there is no longer any need for conscious involvement, these networks are automatically triggered and run by themselves now. Just like the ones that control our balance, and speech.
There is also no need for additional Neuroplasticity. So if we only participate in dances that we have already learned, no new neuropacity needs to happen.
This is also true for any other skill we learn including exercises. The physical movements are stored the same way and played back. Repetition causes this to automatically happen, we cannot stop it.
The only way to avoid it, is to avoid repetition. Most of our modern exercises are extremely repetitive. We do reps, sets, and routines, the same way each time.
We repeat the same activities instead of trying to learn new ones, because they feel more comfortable and are easier to do.
Our subconscious will take over as many activities in our lives as it can. In essence we become trapped in our own mind.
Once this happens, our minds, and our bodies, begin to decay from lack of use.
We do not notice the repetitious nature of the procedures, patterns, and routines, of our current modern-day societies.
Our brains and our bodies are the same as they were thousands of years ago.
We were never designed to walk on the same level floors in the same shoes or sit for hours on comfortable furniture or in our vehicles. We were especially never designed to lift the same heavy weights in the same direction repeatedly, with no apparent purpose or meaning to it, or ride stationary bikes or treadmills that get us nowhere.
Many of our modern-day illnesses like dementia, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, diabetes, and others, are being caused by the unnatural foods, and behaviors, that came along with our artificial societies, in a very short period of time, on an evolutionary scale.
We altered the course of our own natural evolution; our subconscious is doing what it’s been doing since before we look like humans. We were designed to interact with the natural, everchanging environment.
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